Sunday, August 13, 2006

Big Boy Bed & Starting QB

We finally put a twin size mattress in Dal's room to accomodate Brady (who is much too big for his crib). Brady did not resist one bit, though he did get up and walk into our bedroom about 5 times in the middle of the night.... He still is quite gung-ho about the "big boy bed". I think he likes the freedom to get up and do what he pleases! That's a bit scary for us, but he seems to come directly to our room when he wakes up.

I was going to ask Dallas to consider giving up football. He's only 2 weeks into his first year ever playing, and the nightly practices make it impossible for us to spend any time together as a family during the week (especially because we live so far out of town that to come home between dropoff and pickup would be silly). Well... I asked him Friday how practice went, and he asked, "Guess what? They assigned our positions today. Guess what position they have given me?". After a few guesses I gave up, and he casually stated, "starting quarterback". I guess this is more serious than I thought. We'll have to see the season through and have a serious discussion next year to make sure it's worth it.

This weekend has been a laundry marathon for us. We must have broken a record for the number of loads of laundry that can be washed in a single machine in two days! Scott did each and every load this time. What fun! (The washer and drier are still running as I type.)

Off to snooze.


Blogger SJ said...

Congratulations Dallas! Buddy, you will all have to meet up at the practices and play games or something. Is it Pee Wee or Pop Warner? How long is the season? You'll get through it!

12:21 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Hello Becky,
Welcome to the blogging world. I found you link at your sister Sarah's site.
Good luck with your blog and have fun.

10:12 PM  

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