Sunday, September 03, 2006

Wireless... or not?

Cool. I am sitting at the coffee table in our livingroom typing this blog entry with a wireless keyboard and viewing on our tv. Granted, our TV is not good for this type of viewing - but I can make out just enough of the letters to know what I'm typing. I love this wireless stuff. Coimputing from the couch is the greatest. The funny thing about wireless (now Internet, keyboard, mouse for us) is that there are about 152 wires behind the computer and TV. Hmmmm..... Wish I could be the smarty pants who figures out how to get rid of ALL of the wires. There's a child out there somewhere who is going to be very very rich when she figures that out!

Now I have to find that "submit" button. Oh, there it is! That fuzzy orange thing.


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