Beck's Blog

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

8 Minutes, Fiddy Fader, 10 Years

So Brooke, Brady and I stopped at Pizza Pie one night last week before heading out to the football field to meet Daddy at Dal's practice. I had called in an order so that it would be ready for us to just pick it up and go. When we arrived, they informed me that they had mistakenly put the wrong toppings on the pizza I ordered (and Brady would never eat pepperoni). They kindly said that it would only take about 8 minutes to finish baking the "redo" pizza. "EIGHT MINUTES?!?!", I thought. How could this be? "I don't have eight minutes... what will I do?" (thankfully still just thoughts and not expressions). "I have a Council meeting to get to later, and I only have a brief time with my children tonight, and my husband is expecting me, and my children haven't eaten since snack time, and" ... And then, I came back to earth. Could it be that 8 minutes of time not planned, not counted on, not included in the rushing from point A to point B to C D E and F... was really a bad thing? If 8 minutes could not be spared, then life had become far too ridiculous. Of course I can sit and wait with my babies for a few minutes. Thank you, Pizza Pie, for making me sit down and enjoy 8 minutes of impromptu chatting and fun with my babies. REALITY CHECK PLEASE.

Latest Brady-ism: Fiddy Fader. Any guesses? Yep, it's the fridge. Brady says, "I want some milk. It's in the fiddy fader. I can open it for ooo!".

I stopped dead in my tracks at the office yesterday. It was mid morning and, two days late, it had "hit" me that my first child has hit double-digits. Yes indeed. Dallas is TEN years old. How can that be? I don't know if I'm doing everything as well as I could, but know that I'm trying, Dal, I'm trying. You're a great person, and you deserve the best. I'll keep trying to give you the best, I promise. Hard to do when time is flying, though. There are so many things I want to tell you. So many things I want to show you. So much time I want to spend with you. I can't do half of the things I want to, for some reason. 8 minutes here and 8 minutes there, right? We'll get there. I love you.

Dallas has scored 2 touchdowns in his first 3 football games - pretty darn good! He ran one in in the first game and threw a pass for a TD this past weekend. He also made some great kicks and even made an impressive tackle (as the kicker) in the last game. Keep up the good work, Dal, and have some fun while you're at it.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

So much to say, so little time.

Dallas - first touchdown in first game - nice job! I loved watching you play, kiddo. I love you more and more, even when I'm stuffing cherry tomatoes in your mouth as punishment for your snide, attitudinal remarks. I really do. I wouldn't do it if I didn't love you!
Brady - whine whine whine - it's ok, we'll get through the whiney stage, and we love you more every day, punkin. We would be so happy if you'd eat food, perhaps one food? You can't live on milk darlin'.
Brooke - You are amazing. You're waving, you sing, "La, la, la, la, la...", you bite when you nurse (please stop), you speed-crawl, you LOVE eating dried up old leaves, you smile SO much, you melt people in their tracks with your dimples and sparkly eyes, you're eating like a big girl (pancakes, french toast, eggs, yogurt, peas, beans, grapes). I love you so much!
I'm the luckiest mama in the world.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Wireless... or not?

Cool. I am sitting at the coffee table in our livingroom typing this blog entry with a wireless keyboard and viewing on our tv. Granted, our TV is not good for this type of viewing - but I can make out just enough of the letters to know what I'm typing. I love this wireless stuff. Coimputing from the couch is the greatest. The funny thing about wireless (now Internet, keyboard, mouse for us) is that there are about 152 wires behind the computer and TV. Hmmmm..... Wish I could be the smarty pants who figures out how to get rid of ALL of the wires. There's a child out there somewhere who is going to be very very rich when she figures that out!

Now I have to find that "submit" button. Oh, there it is! That fuzzy orange thing.