Beck's Blog

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Brooke's Prayer

At the dinner table last week Brooke decided she wanted to say a prayer with us before dinner.  This was impressive, since she has been bashful about praying openly in the past, so we encouraged her.  She proceeded to say, "Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that Brady will not pick his nose every time he uses a tissue and that I will be a good mom when I have hundreds of children.  Amen."  Amen, indeed.  (Neither prayer has been answered to date.)

Brady is saved!

April 8, 2009 Brady is born into God's family as he accepts Jesus as his Saviour.  What a special day for Brady.  He had been asking about this for quite some time.  We read from the book of Romans together and he prayed for salvation.  We are so happy for you, buddy.  Brooke witnessed this happy occasion and immediately wanted to do the same, but only because she just has to do everything Brady does.  In due time, honey, when you're ready!