Beck's Blog

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Website Revision - 2009 Early Spring

Dallas enj0yed attending the Dublin Christian Academy Bible Conference in February after receiving another straight-A's report card. He is interested in leaving the middle school in Keene to attend the DCA, and we are trying to make that happen for him next year. Dallas has apparently outgrown his snow shoes (that did not take long at all!), but has enjoyed doing so. We love all the snow we've received this winter - but spring is most welcome, too.

Brady is preparing to go to Kindergarten at Franklin school next school year. He is reading by himself now - we are so proud of our Punkin Pie! He also has a newly found passion for coloring. One day he woke up and just started coloring with a real artistic flare. I'm not sure what sparked it, but we are enjoying the artwork thoroughly.

Brooke has turned three years old. Where did my baby go? She is an absolute joy. She is never far behind Brady, always in his footsteps. She and Brady are both enjoying Saturday gymnastics (she's the only girl in her group, believe it or not). When they are not playing nicely together they are bickering and arguing like the best of siblings do. She still wants to be held all the time, and we do not mind one bit.

Take care - and keep in touch!
