Beck's Blog

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Brooke Knows the Truth About Santa

She knew the truth before she asked me this question the other night as we pulled into the grocery store parking lot. “Mom, is Santa real or do you fill our stockings and put presents out on Christmas morning?” How do you answer that question when you know by the way she asked it that she knows the truth? I had to tell her the truth. 1) Santa makes it fun. 2) Jesus makes it real. 3) Don’t tell your brother.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Teeth, Fish, and Baseball

It happened. Brooke lost her first tooth May 2nd, 2011. She felt something hard when chewing a bite of fresh strawberry at preschool and then realized it was her tooth! She got off the bus to greet me with the biggest grin ever, not opening her mouth, but she could not withhold that smile for more than a few seconds. Poor Brady, yet to lose his first tooth, is handling it like a real trooper – despite the fact that Brooke is already sporting another loose tooth. Hang in there, Brady!

I took Brady to the Fishing Derby at Robin Hood Park last Saturday. He could not muster up the courage to hook his own worm or even touch any fish, but I managed somehow to do the dirty work so he could throw the line. That boy can cast! He needed almost no instruction at all. He was disappointed to catch only two Pumpkin Seeds, but we learned enough to go back next year armed and dangerous. Next year we’ll collect worms the day before, be there when the sun rises to get the best spot and the first fish, and we will have lures and poles set and ready to cast the night before. Watch out Trout!

Brady also received the Bible Memory award for 1st and 2nd grade at DCA this year. I am so proud of him.

Dallas is a blessing. God has made it so clear that he has plans for Dallas. He is so sweet to Brooke, willing to talk things out with me, and very helpful at home. He is maturing overnight. OK – He is getting demerits for long hair and Brady is driving him absolutely nuts. But he agreed to a hair cut (finally) and Brady is just being a normal 6-year-old boy. Dallas forgets that he was exactly the same! I guess he won’t understand that until he has a boy of his own.

It’s baseball season again. Brady is a natural (who wouldn’t be with Dallas for a coach?). Dallas has always been an excellent ball player –but his physical maturity is really making a big difference this year. His pitching at age 14 is turning heads, and he’s still running like a bullet. It is sooooo much fun to watch.

Brooke blessed us by dressing herself for school one day last week. She came down with a flowered skirt, bright lime green knee socks with a hot pink stripe around the top, and a two-toned pink and purple shirt. WOW. I think I actually chuckled out loud. It immediately erased any hurry-up-and-get-everything-ready-for-school-and-work-so-you-don’t-miss-the-bus stress and lifted our spirits. I didn’t have the heart to ask her to change anything since her heart was in the right place. She did it both to help mama out and to show her fashion sense. So… I sent her to school and quickly emailed her teachers to let them know that I didn’t dress her like that! LOL – that was definitely one of those unforgettable moments that still lifts my spirits and always will. Wish I had a picture. Thanks, Brooke!