Beck's Blog

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Arms and Dillows

So... Dallas and I were looking for interesting magazine clippings for a homework project when we came across a fantastic picture of an armadillo.  I was quite sure that Brady and Brooke had never seen an armadillo before.  Dallas and I said, "Brooke - we found an armadillo", to which she confidently responded, "YEP.  Arms and dillows."  Dallas and I cracked up!  It was so cute.  Brady looked at the picture, saw the armadillo, and asked, "where's the armadillo?".  I guess it's just not something you see every day.  

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Brady: Deep Thinker

Sometimes children suprise us with deep questions out of the blue, like Brady's question last night when casually brushing his teeth, "Mama, why did the Philistines put Jesus on the cross?"  His level of understading is simply astounding!  So I tried to explain it to him in his terms.  What will he ask tonight???
On the lighter side, during a routine trip to the town dump last weekend Brooke and Brady peered in awe over the back seat at a mountain of recycleable cardboard.  Brooke, the instigator, started poking Brady to get a reaction out of him, to which he quickly responded, "Brooke!  The bible says NO POKING!!"  Gotta love it!