Beck's Blog

Monday, November 03, 2008


Sweet Pea, aka Brooke, is going through the whiney phase.  She clearly believes that the way to ask for something is to whine.  So... we're trying to gently break her of this habit.  We will give here ideas of words she can use in place of the whining, which usually works pretty well, although the whining is still her first attempt.  I think I've been pretty patient, but there are times when her whining has become so excessive that my ears really start to hurt!  Well, last night, after three days of whining and constant "uppie, mama, uppie" when I so much as turned around and thought about leaving her presence for a distance of more than 2 feet, I turned back around and said sternly, "Brooke, why do you insist on coming uppie ALL THE TIME?", to which she promptly and resolutely responded, "I jus lub you so much, Mama, and I need to be with you".  Yep.  I was toast.  I picked her up and snuggled.  Didn't help the whining or the constant "uppie" following me wherever I go, but how could I say no to that?