Beck's Blog

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kids Say the Funniest Things

Brooke pointed to the divit between my collar bones the other day and asked, "what's that called?" I have no idea what that's called, so I told her it's the space between my two collar bones, to which she corrected me by saying, "No, mom. It's from Connecticut and it's a hole in your brain." Where in the world did she come up with that?!

Brady had his first Gymnastics meet May 30th after which he was rewarded with his first ever trophy - much to his pleasure. He slept with his tropy three nights in a row before I convinced him to let me put it up on a shelf for all to see. The day after the meet Brooke got a boo-boo while I was in the shower. Since I was unable to comfort her, Brady reported to me that he let her hold his tropy to make her feel better. What a sweetie!

website archive 2009-06-12

Dallas is playing baseball again. He prefers to play pitcher and center fielder, but fills in anywhere when needed. Please come to a game or two if you can - he loves it when family and friends come to support his team. Dal is soon to complete grade 6. We are so proud of him and all of his straight-A report cards! Both Dallas and Brady are registered to attend Dublin Christian Academy next school year. Brady is THRILLED simply because he will be riding a bus every day - what more could a kid want? It's hard to believe he'll be 5 soon. He's counting the days to his birthday. Dallas has taught him how to pitch a whiffle ball - and boy can he hurl that thing! Watch out, t-ball. (He will be old enough to play in the t-ball league next summer.) Brady is also preparing for his first gymnastics meet to take place May 30th. Brooke takes gymnastics with Brady and insists on doing everything he does - no matter what. She is growing like crazy despite the fact that she typically wants only fruits and vegetables. She loves her new bike and is enjoying learning to cook with mama. She helped me plant some pumpkins, squash, and zucchini yesterday (5/2), and especially enjoyed watering them with the hose. She still bosses the dogs around, and they seem to enjoy it!
